Monday, March 23, 2009

25th August 2005 - Hamelin Pool & Shark Bay

Hamelin Pool located approximately 35k West of the Overlander Roadhouse on Hamelin Pool Road is a place of wonder. The local beach, made up of millions of tiny shells, that over the centuries, have hardened into a solid mass. This solid mass has been harvested by early settlers by using hand saws to cut these shells into large building blocks that have been used to construct walls of buildings. -

Camps Australia Wide No 5 Site No. WA - 454 -
Camps Australia Wide No. 6 Site No WA - 449 -
GPS: 26°24'03.7"S - 114°09'55.5"E
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The world heritage area of Shark Bay, North of Hamelin Pool towards Denham, has some overnight camping sites. Travellers that do not wish to stop overnight should detour to Eagle Bluff just for the scenery. We highly recommend these two sites for a visit on your tour of Western Australia

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